Constraint programming and artificial intelligence
Distributed algorithms, multi-agent and parallel computing
Logistics, localisation, transport and air control
Polyhedral approaches, extended formulations and decomposition in integer programming
Non-linear optimisation, bi-level optimisation and yield management
Logistics, localisation, transport and air control
New application domain on OR (health, biology, computer science, economy, energy, sustainable growth, cloud computing...), transfer to industry and software
Decision theory, game theory and multi-criteria optimisation
Heuristics and meta-heuristics
Young researcher contest
Tutoriel : R. Klasing - Mobile Agent Computing
Scheduling, planning and production management
Scheduling, planning and production management
Tutoriel : C. Dürr - Gestion de tampon en ligne
Distributed algorithms, multi-agent and parallel computing
Graphs, flows, combinatorial algorithms and approximation
Logistics, localisation, transport and air control
Polyhedral approaches, extended formulations and decomposition in integer programming
Non-linear optimisation, bi-level optimisation and yield management
Logistics, localisation, transport and air control
Network optimization and telecom applications
New application domain on OR (health, biology, computer science, economy, energy, sustainable growth, cloud computing...), transfer to industry and software
Stochastic and robust optimization, online optimization, queuing theory and simulation, machine learning and statistical methods
Heuristics and meta-heuristics
Young researcher contest
Tutoriel : P. Viappiani - Principled Approaches to Preference Learning
Scheduling, planning and production management
Scheduling, planning and production management
Tutoriel : N. Mladenovic - Variable neighbourhood and Formulation space searches: some recent advances
Distributed algorithms, multi-agent and parallel computing
Graphs, flows, combinatorial algorithms and approximation
Logistics, localisation, transport and air control
Non-linear optimisation, bi-level optimisation and yield management
Logistics, localisation, transport and air control
New application domain on OR (health, biology, computer science, economy, energy, sustainable growth, cloud computing...), transfer to industry and software
Stochastic and robust optimization, online optimization, queuing theory and simulation, machine learning and statistical methods
Decision theory, game theory and multi-criteria optimisation
Tutoriel : F. Mornet - L'art de masquer des algorithmes complexes au sein de beaux logiciels !
Scheduling, planning and production management
Scheduling, planning and production management
Graphs, flows, combinatorial algorithms and approximation
Logistics, localisation, transport and air control
Polyhedral approaches, extended formulations and decomposition in integer programming
Non-linear optimisation, bi-level optimisation and yield management
Logistics, localisation, transport and air control
Network optimization and telecom applications
New application domain on OR (health, biology, computer science, economy, energy, sustainable growth, cloud computing...), transfer to industry and software
Decision theory, game theory and multi-criteria optimisation
Heuristics and meta-heuristics
Tutoriel : E. Hebrard - The Thousand Faces of Constraint Propagation
Scheduling, planning and production management
Scheduling, planning and production management
Tutoriel : J. Desrosiers - Tools for primal degenerate linear programs
Tutoriel : E. Pinson - Le problème de Job-shop : bientôt 60 ans. Un bref état de l'art en quelques idées clés...
Graphs, flows, combinatorial algorithms and approximation
Logistics, localisation, transport and air control
Polyhedral approaches, extended formulations and decomposition in integer programming
Logistics, localisation, transport and air control
New application domain on OR (health, biology, computer science, economy, energy, sustainable growth, cloud computing...), transfer to industry and software
Stochastic and robust optimization, online optimization, queuing theory and simulation, machine learning and statistical methods
Decision theory, game theory and multi-criteria optimisation
Heuristics and meta-heuristics
Tutoriel : P. Mahey - Multicommodity flow networks with convex and nonconvex arc cost functions
Logistics, localisation, transport and air control
Non-linear optimisation, bi-level optimisation and yield management
Logistics, localisation, transport and air control
New application domain on OR (health, biology, computer science, economy, energy, sustainable growth, cloud computing...), transfer to industry and software
Decision theory, game theory and multi-criteria optimisation
Heuristics and meta-heuristics
Tutoriel : F. Babonneau - Robust Optimization to deal with uncertainty
Scheduling, planning and production management
Scheduling, planning and production management
Tutoriel : S. Elloumi - Reformulation Quadratique Convexe pour l'optimisation Quadratique discrète : résultats de base et extensions récentes
Polyhedral approaches, extended formulations and decomposition in integer programming
Network optimization and telecom applications
New application domain on OR (health, biology, computer science, economy, energy, sustainable growth, cloud computing...), transfer to industry and software
Stochastic and robust optimization, online optimization, queuing theory and simulation, machine learning and statistical methods
Heuristics and meta-heuristics
Tutoriel : N. Jozefowiez - Utilisation de l'optimisation multi-objectif pour les problèmes de tournées de véhicules
Scheduling, planning and production management